The word "Tessitura" comes from the italian 'Tessiture' or 'Texture' and is defined as the sonic range of a singers voice in terms of pitch and timbre.

The Tessitura project has been an exploration in visualising the human voice in real time through bespoke audio analysis and visualisation software. The research culminated in a collaboration with the formidable vocal group; The King's Singers to celebrate their 50th anniversary as well as the history and boundless expression of the sung voice. This collaboration took the form of a one off performance in London that directly translated the sound of each of the singers' voices into generative visualisations projected onto holographic gauze in front of them.

Here is a sample of some of the visualisations for different pieces and photos from the event.

01_Prayer (0-01-37-14)

Still frame from "Henry VI Prayer" - Henry Ley

03_BeNotAfeard (0-01-57-05)

Still frame from "Be Not Afeard" - John Rutter

05_Lamb (0-00-58-13)

Still frame from "The Lamb" - John Tavener

02_NewWorld (0-02-00-07)

Still frame from "It's a New World" - Harold Arlen, arr. Richard Rodney Bennett


Still frame from "Viri Galilei" - William Byrd


Still frame from "O Lord, Thy Servant" - William Byrd


Selected Works

Museum of the FutureProject type

Soundscaper OSCProject type

Covariant FlowProject type

Rolls-Royce ToolProject type

Nura Profile DesignerProject type

IBM ThinkProject type

Rolls-Royce - Ad InfinitumCorporate Installation

Sennheiser - AMBEO Lab - XRinteraction design

GitexInstallation Software

LululemonInteractive Installation

Nura - Hearing ProfileGenerative Branding

Contact: Augmented AcousticsInteraction Design


TessituraProject type

Celestial BodyProject type

ROLI - R&DProject type

Spatial MusicResearch

Arup - BallsProject type


Arcsoc Pavillioninstallation

MA ArchitectureProject type

Copyright Felix Faire 2020 ©